This dish is inspired by Thai cuisine. By that I mean I looked at a few recipes for curry and shrimp and bok choy and created an amalgamation in my kitchen. Then I served this frankensteinian recipe for mother's day. So go ahead, call me a monster, but this dish has a heart of gold.

Serves 4

Ingredients for the Shrimp part

 12 heads of bok choy per person (I think they're called heads)

40 Tiger Prawns (or less, if you're a wuss)

4 cloves of garlic, minced                                                1 white onion, sliced

2 tbsp of peanut oil

Curry Monster:

2 tbsp of fish sauce                                                               1 tbsp of oyster sauce

1 tbsp of hoisin sauce                                                          2 tsp of sesame seed oil

2 tsp of chili oil                                                                      2 tsp of green curry

1/2 can of cocount milk                                                     Juice of 1/2 lemon

1 tsp of rice vinegar                                                             2 tbsp of cornstarch


The shrimp and bok choy is simplicity itself. Sautee the garlic and onions until the onions are translucent. Then throw in the bok choy and shrimp. Keep the heat on low and move things around from time to time to make sure it all gets cooked evenly. I also recommend rinsing the bok choy in cold water beforehand, not only to get rid of the dirt but it keeps it a nice bright green color. Cook for about 12 minutes

The curry is easy too. It was hard for me because I was inventing it on the fly while cooking the shrimp, so running between the fridge for ingredients, the frying pan and the mixing bowl became a bit complicated after a while. Fortunately for you, I will lay everything out here for your gustatory pleasure: Start by mixing the fish sauce with the cornstarch. Now mix all the other ingredients in until they form a nice, slightly thick light orange sauce. And that's it.

Now pull the shrimp off of the fire. They should be nice and pink, and the bok choy should be nice and green. Now drizzle the nice orangeish red sauce over the shrimp and you will have a delicious and beautiful dish for any occasion.