The best salad you've never had.

2 Hard boiled eggs                                             Cilantro Sprigs
1 can of chick peas (cooked)                          1 sliced tomato      
1 dozen large shrimp                                         1 Green Onion (chopped)
Chopped lettuce                                                  Oregano
2 large ripe avocados                                       Lemon Juice
4 tbsp plain yogurt                                            Olive Oil

Cook shrimp in medium sauce pan with olive oil and oregano.
Create avocado mixture by mashing the avocados and mixing with yogurt and lemon juice.
Place shredded lettuce in center of plate with chick peas on top.
Dollop avocado mixture on top of chickpeas and lettuce.
Slice eggs into quarters and arrange with tomato slices around plate.
Interchange shrimp on outer edge of plate.
Sprinkle onion on top and add cilantro for garnish.
Avocat aux Crevettes
Not your mother's hash browns.  Just a perfect appetizer or side dish to satiate your appetite.

1 lb black eyed peas (not the shitty band)       water
1 chopped onion                                                         salt and pepper
hot pepper sauce                                                        oil
1/4-1/2 Cup Flour (variable)

Allow the peas to soak in water overnight. 
De-skin the peas and place in a separate container.  Blend the peas and onion with water until it forms a thick paste. 
Add flour, hot sauce, salt, and pepper to mixture and continue to blend. 
Fill a frying pan with one inch of oil. 
Using a spoon, gently dollop the paste into the pan, allowing it to fry until golden brown.  Note: allow oil to heat before adding mixture.

Combine with Spicy Andalusian Sauce for Senegalese fireworks.